
Day 6, 6 PM - 7 PM (Episode 13)

- I know Chloe tried to explain it away, but why the hell is Logan just hanging out at CTU? Shouldn't someone be monitoring him a little more closely, especially given the Vice President's orders? Why on Earth would they hold him in a room that Chloe might need to be in? Really, the facilities at CTU are pretty lacking, if you ask me.

- Look, Jack is the biggest badass in the world, and I know I'll probably regret ever doubting his skills, but disarming the dude with the belt was a little too Indiana Jones for me. Plus, how did he even get the belt off the guy? It's not like we saw him actually unbuckle it... Also, it would have made a whole lot of sense for the bad guy to confirm the plans BEFORE throwing Jack down the stairs.

- These diplomatic connections are getting more and more tenuous. Subarov won't listen to anyone except for his wife. No one can connect with his wife except for Mrs. Logan. And Logan's the only one who can convince his crazy, estranged wife to talk to Mrs. Subarov. Enough with these single points-of-failure, people! We need more redundancy!

- I like this Doyle guy. It's about time there was someone at CTU that actually demanded competence. Where's he been the previous five years?

- Why on Earth would Martha Logan believe Charles without any confirmation from someone else? Couldn't he have set the whole thing up just to accomplish some new nefarious goal? It's not like he's incapable of such deception. And it'd be very entertaining if when Mrs. Logan tries to call Anya Subarov, she's unavailable and all of these histrionics are for naught.

- Hey, she was unavailable! But giving a speech? At midnight?

- Good for Mrs. Logan! But this is what happens when you let criminal ex-Presidents wander around unfettered, especially near knife-wielding lunatic ex-wives. And is it wrong that I really don't care at all about the Logan family soap opera? On the other hand, I'm glad that Aaron's finally getting some. He should just kill the whole lot of 'em.

- It took less than a minute for Mrs. Logan to convince Mrs. Subarov to convince her husband to make Markov surrender. That's completely ludicrous. She must be a more powerful puppetmaster than Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton combined.

- It's mighty strange that Doyle doesn't seem to have to wear a helmet. Even Curtis wore a helmet.