
Day 6, 2 PM - 3 PM (Episode 9)

- Gredenko's an "ultra-nationalist", so therefore his motivations are in sync with Fayed's? I imagine that's all the explanation we're going to get regarding the motives of the terrorists, but I'd have to think that members of the former Soviet Union are going to have slightly different motives that Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. How is Gredenko hurting the U.S. going to benefit whatever country he's a supporter of? Is he just still bitter over Rocky IV?

- Credit where credit is due: They didn't overlook the fact that this was the first time Jack had been back to CTU since his trip on the slow boat to China. However, this blog is called "24 Stupidity" for a reason, so don't get used to the praise.

- A prediction, which you heard here first: By the end of the season, Morris will be redeemed by sacrificing his life heroically for some greater good.

- Bill wants to cover up for Jack because he's worried about the Internal Affairs investigation impeding their search for Fayed and Gredenko on this very day? How quickly do those things turn around? I'm pretty sure Jack doesn't care a whole lot about his future at CTU.

- Why is Papa Bauer allowed to wander around CTU unaccompanied? For that matter, why are all guests of CTU brought into the same area where they do analysis, and where you presumably need some high-level clearance to access? They can't have a visitor's area with some interesting magazines?

- Jack's intuition definitely got knocked off-kilter by his experiences in China. He couldn't see through his father's lies, and now he can't tell when Marilyn received a clearly disturbing phone call.

- Wow, it's a good thing that the people that Phillip Bauer called chose a house on a street that Marilyn happened to pass on her way to the real house. I'm sure the streets of LA aren't very dense, so it was bound to happen, right?

- I was right! Gredenko IS mad about the outcome of Rocky IV. I'm still not sure how blowing up the U.S. is going to fix that, or really, how the outcome of the Cold War wasn't much more the fault of the U.S.S.R. than the U.S. They couldn't come up with a more plausible villain? What about China? Cuba? France?

- Chloe just said that Hindry Place is a mile away from where Jack and Marilyn were looking, but we saw them drive right past it. Chloe's so silly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rocky IV. That's funny! Bravo!
I've also had problems with the family wandering around ctu. It's just not realistic. No way. If clearances are involved there is no way they even get close to the terminals and command center.

I'm also a bit disappointed that everyone just trusts Phillip Bauer at his word when he says he didn't know anything. His company was involved in the biggest conspiracy plots of this country's history and he probably knows something, even if it seems insignificant - they got nuttin' else. Why, other than lazy writers, do they make it so easy to just accept him and dismiss him as Jack's goofy old man. Shame on you, lazy writers!

Morris will eat it. I agree. That's a good call. Here's another prediction and I'd love to take credit for it but it's actually Lauren's prediction: That boy that is the grandson of Phillip is actually Jack's son. How perfect would that be for giving Jack motivation to fight? If the writers did this, Smut-Li gives them two happy-fish pleasure dumplings of praise, way up. Remember that there is a past between Jack and Greaeum's Wife..... Just sayin'. Also, he even looks like Jack's daughter.

I also had a favorite minor moment of praise to give when they had jack walk in to CTU for the first time. That was nice. Good job, writers.

My second favorite moment was when Blonde accompalice shoots Mr. Screamy. Bravo. Better yet, she goes on to get it in the face after discovering that SURPRISE - The terrorists aren't going to pay! I liked that a lot. Good guys are still inept, but at least some of the bad guys are brain-dead too.

Downpoint for the two hours was Graeioum's wife not coming forward to Jack about his dad's plot. I just don't buy it. I try to put myself in the shoes of the people that are being instructed to do what the bad people say or the bad people will hurt my loved one and will also hurt many, many other people, and I can never say I'd even remotely follow their instructions. I'm all like: "Dude, I'm supposed to tell you that this was susan, but it totally was your dad, and like, your dad want's me to mislead you and stuff about where the real house is or he'll fu@k my sh!t up, but I'm not down with that, so like: it's a trap and sh!t" More or less. I just think it is weak. Furthermore, it weakens Jack and the story, because he could be recognizing the opportunities for deception and playing them against the bad guys a la "cat and mouse" like the first season. Instead, we get the tired old story of the good guys being just in time to avert unacceptable disaster, but just a second too late to stop the master evil plot in it's tracks.

And while I'm on it, did anyone else have a problem with the head terrorist guy escaping during the raid? That was just lame. Don't you think they'd have tied all helicopter landings and departures down until after they verified who the occupants were? Weak Writing! Get original if you want the lead guy to escape: Have him run out with the original fire alarm fleeing people in disguise with a gun to a woman's back so that she pretends he's part of their family or something.

And I close with the uncanny realization that the Police (the band) have reunited this week to perform at the grammys and the head bad russian guy is named Gradenko.

'Are you safe now, Ms. Gradenko? Is anybody alive in here, is anybody alive in here? Is anybody at all in here - Nobody but us in here, nobody but us in here!"

February 13, 2007 2:51 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Definitely a good call by Lauren. I will be impressed by that. It would be pretty good writing.

I agree with you about Marilyn, but I usually try not to put myself in places I can't imagine being in. (THe life of my son threatened, being tortured, etc.) Yeah, we'd like to think we'd do the "obvious" thing, but who's to say?

Yes, of course I have a problem with Fayed (and Fayed only) escaping the raid. They did say he was four minutes away, and offered the explanation that it was a MedEvac chopper, but yeah, it did seem kinda thin. Still, I gave them the benefit of the doubt there because you have to imagine things are kinda in chaos, and that emergency vehicles are all over the place due to the recent nuclear explosion.

February 13, 2007 11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donde Esta mi Hombre KLF?

February 17, 2007 5:18 PM  

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