
Day 6, 7 AM - 8 AM (Episode 2)

- After not talking for 2 years, Jack regains the ability to talk loudly within an hour. (I know, I know, he's JACK BAUER!)

- The guy with the transponder in Assad's house that was working for Fayed decided to carry the transponder in his pockets instead of planting it in the house somewhere, or at least concealing it someplace less obvious. (Shoe, belt, etc.) For that matter, if they know the address and could tell it to Fayed, why did they even need a transponder? Clearly, they don't move THAT often.

- Assad's house is somehow heat-shielded so CTU can't see inside? It certainly didn't look that sophisticated. CTU has been able to see inside much more robust-looking buildings in the past. (Like the Chinese Embassy.) And, referring to the previous point, if it is heat-shielded through some sophisticated building technology, it's further proof that Assad can't really be moving around that much, and an address would be perfectly sufficient.

- If Fayed's good enough to plant a mole on Assad's team, does he really need the US military to take out Assad? Couldn't Fayed's mole just plant a bomb, or sacrifice himself in order to kill Assad? He certainly had the chance.

- The "How do you like them apples" dude from Good Will Hunting is the FBI agent that wants the Islamic-American Alliance's files! And "Rube" from Major League 2 is the neighbor Stan that wants to kill Kumar from "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"!

- Chloe and Morris, despite jeopardizing a mission that was likely the government's only chance to save hundreds or even thousands of American lives, are not fired because they can't spare the manpower. Maybe Chloe's earned enough points for her past actions, but Morris? He's not replaceable? Is there anything they could actually do to get fired? What if it turned out they were working for the terrorists? I still kinda think that Buchanan would be forced to keep them on in a "limited capacity".

- CTU can get observational satellites into position in a matter of seconds, but only decided to look at the missile target site AFTER they didn't find Assad, not as soon as they got the coordinates.

- Fayed's mole overheard Fayed telling his men to go to "Figaro and 6th" after Assad was killed. How long ago was this? How long ago has the mole been working with Assad? Does he go back and forth to give status reports? One doesn't tell people to go to "Figaro and 6th" months from now...

- IAA's lawyer, Sandra Palmer, has permissions to move or delete all of the IAA's personnel files.

- Fayed's mole doesn't say how long after Assad's death the men would be at Figaro and 6th, but it turns out to be exactly at the moment Jack and Assad arrive.

- Apparently Fayed's hit 11 different cities in 11 weeks, yet decides that he's going to have two strikes in Los Angeles within a couple hours of each other, and also he's going to stay in Los Angeles while this is going on. (Although the second one is actually in 3 cities at once.)

- Chloe alerts Bill to a call that was "red tagged" by the NSA's surveillance software: Fayed's man who accompanied the subway bomber calling to tell Fayed that the bomb didn't go off. They talk on normal, unencrypted cell phones? If so, this is the first call they've ever had intercepted?

- Assad is clearly a pretty important person in his organization, yet he's willing to go any try and hunt down Fayed himself? That seems pretty unlikely.

- Wayne Palmer and Karen Hayes doubt Jack with regards to Assad, and then learn that Jack was right. Of course, we can assume that for the rest of the season, they'll never doubt Jack's loyalty or accuracy again, right? Especially Wayne, who has every reason to trust Jack entirely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smut-Li says: You are long winded!
Point 1: Not talking could be "not giving useful information". Personally I imagined that Jack probably sang to himself while in prison in order to keep himself sane. Song of choice: Sex Machine, by James Brown

Point 2:Transponder and heat-sheild are Big-boy screw ups. Smut-Li dings this as red again.

Point 3:Fayed needs the US military to kill Assad to stir up more anti-us sentiment and to bring all those who agreed with Assad's ideas of peace back into the "blow stuff up" fold. Smut-Li does not turn any color on this one. I guess that means I'm blue or something. Help! Anyone from Course 10 reading?

Point 3: CTU people can not get fired for anyting if they are major characters. This is stupid, but nothing new for 24. Jack didn't get fired after all his disobediance from season 1!

Point 4: I've always frowned on the absurdity of the space technology they employ. It has always been stupid and unrealistic. There is a limit to the propellant these things carry and one manuever to "reposition" it would likely deplete all remaining propellant. This is not how these things work at all.

Point 5: Assad is willing to help because he is a Maverick like Jack!

Point 6:The ineptitude of the Whitehouse is indeed stupid. The whitehouse should have better intel than the LA unit of CTU.

January 16, 2007 8:57 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

- So, I still don't think that Jack would be _able_ to talk after not talking for 2 years. But you're right - he might have talked to himself, or when no one was around.

- The transponder and heat-shield are transparently artificial issues they used to further the plot. I think it's just laziness - the type I find the most irritating.

- I concede on your point about Fayed - it still seems overly elaborate, but it is a clever diplomatic manipulation, if it works.

- You're right - along with complaining about the time it takes to drive from place to place, I can't continue to complain about CTU employees not getting fired. However, Jack, in Season 1, clearly had the best of intentions, and had the life of his wife and daughter at stake, and turned out to be right. Chloe's only interest was personal curiosity, and turned out to be waaaaay wrong.

January 17, 2007 3:36 PM  

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