
Day 6, 10 AM - 11 AM (Episode 5)

- So, now we know that the device that Ahmed was sent to obtain was the sole existing method to program the nuclear devices that, presumably, Fayed went to extreme lengths to obtain, yet he was willing to trust a single, inexperienced teenager to get it?

- I think we need to add another category of silliness to the list of "Things You Must Accept About 24 Before Watching Or Else You'll Just Go Nuts": Cell phones always work, no matter the situation, unless it's convenient plot-wise for them not to. Cases in point: In the President's underground bunker, Karen calls Bill, and then immediately after the nuclear bomb goes off, Jack calls CTU. I'm thinking the circuits would probably be a tad overloaded... So, I won't mention cell phone nonsense again unless it's really egregious. (By the way, also on that list is that travel time is completely unrealistic, and that there's never any traffic.)

- A few seasons ago, diplomatic sensibilities were running high, and it became public that 24 was deliberately avoiding naming specific countries that were harboring the terrorists in that particular season. It's a few years later, and while I know that diplomacy is still an elusive commodity, it's pretty self-important of 24 continue to avoid naming any countries. Can't they just make some country names up, so the war room conversations don't seem so silly? But, frankly, I'm not sure what harm it would do to just say "Iran", "Syria", etc. On the other hand, it seems that a bunch of important people form opinions about America's torture policy based on 24, so maybe it's more responsible of the producers not to name names, for fear of starting World War III.

- The "terrorist cell" in the detention center is pretty darn stupid if they are, in fact, talking about their plot out loud. Don't they think there's some sort of chance that the whole area is bugged and monitored, despite the fact that it looks like a summer camp? Heck, shouldn't the whole place be bugged?

- Whoa! Romano from ER, or Mr. Bluetooth headset, is Jack's brother? (Apparently named Graham.) He's the dude that's been pulling the strings for a while now. (Season 4? Season 5?) Man, this is one messed up family. At any rate, that's one of the nice twists out of nowhere that keep the show still fun.

- Graham sure asks a lot of questions, and none too subtly. You'd think he'd be a little better at that, given that he's some sort of conspiracy mastermind. Do you think Graham wears his headset when he's having sex? I think he does.

- Wow, and Graham's wife (Marilyn) used to have a thing for (with?) Jack?! And that's the first thing they think of after learning he's back in the country after being shipped off to the Chinese? What is this, Days of Our Lives?

- I know it's nice when a place comes to fruition, and terrorists are all into this synchronized attack thing, but if I was a terrorist and finally got my hands on a few nuclear devices, it'd be much more important to me to live long enough to use them than it would be to make sure that my plan was completely executed properly on the same day.

- When the guys in the prison camp pointed out that "It's the second time they've grabbed and beaten him right in front of us" (referring to Walid), I was pretty sure the conclusion he'd come to is "Wow, that's too obvious, it must be some sort of setup", instead of "He's one of us." I was wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, am I on crack or did you say that you've seen Graham on other seasons of 24? Are you saying that he's been plotting for MULTIPLE seasons? Are they finally hinting at multiple-day conspiracy!?!?!? Weird when you think of it like that, huh.

The traffic thing is beginning to bother me. I live in LA and the traffic here is hard to exaggerate. We refer to it as if it were a hostile living entity in our everyday conversations. I'm sometimes convinced that the 405 is out to get me. I'm not making this up. We even put the word "the" in front of all of our freeways in a blatant reverence that they transcend interstates or highways and are in fact much, much more. The point is this: LA traffic blows monkey jingle bells, and Jack and CTU appearantly never hit any of it. Ever. This is impossible.

I don't think that the show is diplomatically sensitive at all - They've had no problem casting the Chinese as empiralistic xenophobic commie scoundrels. I think they are scared of offending muslims and muslim nations. Thus no names. I think the show should grow some balls and name Saudi Arabia. That would rock. Never gonna happen.

I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels a strange correlation between the terrorist cell in detention and the 'Latchkey' kids. It's actually quite funny. It's like the good tall man wants to hang out with the cool kids and be in their club, but the cool kids aren't sure if the good tall man is going to tell on them to the camp-counselor. and Please.....could they try any harder to ram home their point about how the detention centers are run by brutalistic marines or brutalistic FBI? I'm fully expecting Abu Girab black hoods and electrodes next episode.

anyone else disappointed that Jacks father didn't turn out to be Donald Sutherland? Kieffer IS Jack. Jack is Kieffer. Donald is the only logical choice. I don't want Dudley smith from LA confidential. And while I'm complaining, can't we get Julia Roberts to play his love interest too? I know she was a former flame, but it's one that I feel clicks.

January 23, 2007 2:44 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

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January 23, 2007 3:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

You don't remember Graham? Then the "big twist" is wasted! He's the head of the shadowy syndicate pulling all the strings and giving the President orders in Season 5, and I think he might even be part of the end of Season 4. Also, I think Seasons 1-3 had some sort of multi-day conspiracy, but it was never really explained.

You're right - the show is only sensitive to Muslims, and in particular, specific Muslim countries. I think the message it sends when it doesn't identify countries is either "You're all bad", or "We can't even tell you guys apart." Regardless, it's just plain awkward when the Chiefs of Staff are like, "Look at all of those countries listed up their. Those are the bad guys." "Which ones are the worst?" "Well, number 6, and number 8. To pronounce it correctly, I would have to pull out your tongue."

I think the detention centers are completely stupid. Sometimes it's just like recess, and then sometimes it's like Shawshank Redemption. I guess it's supposed to be like Japanese internment camps, but it just seems to me they're trying to provoke riots so they have a chance to beat up some A-rabs.

January 23, 2007 3:01 PM  

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