
Day 6, 2 PM - 3 PM (Episode 9)

- Gredenko's an "ultra-nationalist", so therefore his motivations are in sync with Fayed's? I imagine that's all the explanation we're going to get regarding the motives of the terrorists, but I'd have to think that members of the former Soviet Union are going to have slightly different motives that Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. How is Gredenko hurting the U.S. going to benefit whatever country he's a supporter of? Is he just still bitter over Rocky IV?

- Credit where credit is due: They didn't overlook the fact that this was the first time Jack had been back to CTU since his trip on the slow boat to China. However, this blog is called "24 Stupidity" for a reason, so don't get used to the praise.

- A prediction, which you heard here first: By the end of the season, Morris will be redeemed by sacrificing his life heroically for some greater good.

- Bill wants to cover up for Jack because he's worried about the Internal Affairs investigation impeding their search for Fayed and Gredenko on this very day? How quickly do those things turn around? I'm pretty sure Jack doesn't care a whole lot about his future at CTU.

- Why is Papa Bauer allowed to wander around CTU unaccompanied? For that matter, why are all guests of CTU brought into the same area where they do analysis, and where you presumably need some high-level clearance to access? They can't have a visitor's area with some interesting magazines?

- Jack's intuition definitely got knocked off-kilter by his experiences in China. He couldn't see through his father's lies, and now he can't tell when Marilyn received a clearly disturbing phone call.

- Wow, it's a good thing that the people that Phillip Bauer called chose a house on a street that Marilyn happened to pass on her way to the real house. I'm sure the streets of LA aren't very dense, so it was bound to happen, right?

- I was right! Gredenko IS mad about the outcome of Rocky IV. I'm still not sure how blowing up the U.S. is going to fix that, or really, how the outcome of the Cold War wasn't much more the fault of the U.S.S.R. than the U.S. They couldn't come up with a more plausible villain? What about China? Cuba? France?

- Chloe just said that Hindry Place is a mile away from where Jack and Marilyn were looking, but we saw them drive right past it. Chloe's so silly!


Day 6, 1 PM - 2 PM (Episode 8)

- Ok, I'm gearing up for another 2-hour stupidity extravaganza. Remember, I do this for you, dear readers. All 3 of you.

- I'm perfectly willing to accept the silly "Enemy of the State" premise that they have highly-detailed satellite imagery of everything, everywhere, going back an indefinite amount of time. But why don't they use it all the time, then? It'd be pretty useful in any number of situations, I think.

- Is it just me, or does $7 million seem kinda cheap for what McCarthy's being asked to do? Also, are there no cops at all in the greater Los Angeles area? Jack's gotta do absolutely everything!

- Karen Hayes didn't need a letter of resignation to resign. Why does Lennox? Oh, right, because it needs to take long enough for something to happen before he can resign. Silly me.

- Does Milo even have his own computer? My guess is no. From what I can gather, CTU has two analysts (Morris and Chloe), two mid-level managers (Nadia and Milo), a boss (Bill), and maybe six field agents, three of whom have already been killed so far. Maybe a helicopter pilot and van driver or two there as well, and a couple professional torturers. And, between the lot of 'em, they have two functioning computers. Damn budget cuts! To be fair, it has proven exceptionally hard to keep CTU employees alive.

- I don't quite understand Palmer's war logic: One nuke is ok, but two means war? I don't know about you guys, but my threshold for nuclear bombs detonated on American soil is 1. After that, and we most definitely have to go to war with someone, preferably Iraq.

- Jack: "Chloe, it's good to have you back." I don't think he was ever told she was "gone", and she was gone for about 15 minutes.

- I'm not sure what Fayed's game plan is, but if he knows that CTU is at the building, I'd think it makes sense to escape first, and torture second.

- You're Morris, and in deep trouble. You're most likely going to die, no matter what happens. You're being tortured, and can no longer stand it, so you give in. Ok, sure, I'm not in your shoes, but can't fault you for that, even though millions of lives are at stake. Then, while you're programming, you're informed that CTU is on their way. Do you continue to do you work, or do you stall for a few more minutes? If you finish your work, the terrorists will kill you, and there will be a nuclear holocaust. If you don't finish your work, you might get tortured for a couple more minutes (admittedly, not very pleasant), but you also have a shot at surviving when they come to the rescue, AND you won't be giving the terrorists nuclear weapons. I know I shouldn't criticize a man until I've walked a mile in his shoes and been tortured with a drill, but still...

- So, looking back, Fayed had an escape plan. Instead of counting on Morris to do the stupid thing (which he dutifully did), Fayed could have escaped with Morris just fine on his undetectable MedEvac chopper, instead of risking his entire plan on Morris completing his programming in time. Maybe this is why I wouldn't make a very good terrorist - I'm not the gamblin' type.

- Bomb defusing nitpicking: Yeah, CTU's short-staffed, but it might have made sense to bring in a bomb squad. Just sayin'. Second: After Jack stops one of the gears, it's supposed to mean that only one of the plates will move, and presumably give Jack more time. But the next shot of the plates you see shows both of them moving. On the bright side, this is the least significant error of the entire show.