
Day 6, 11 AM - 12 PM (Episode 6)

- Ok, so it's spelled "Graem", not "Graham". I guess they figured they'd name one kid something really boring, like "Jack", and the other one something lame and spelled funky. And, surprise, surprise - the normal-named one turned out to be the greatest hero this country has ever known, and the weird-named one is Lex Luthor squared. Parents, let this be a lesson to you: Name your kid something normal or they'll go bad.

- I'm not sure why Jack is taking Graem at his word about anything he says after Jack stopped suffocating him. I suppose Jack's ultra-sophisticated interrogation skills allow him to know when his subject is telling the truth and when he's not.

- Wow. Now THAT's one of the most blatant political statements this show has ever made. Milo finds the restrictions on Nadia absurd because "She's lived in this country since she was two years old. She's a registered Republican, for crying out loud." Yes, and we all know that a Republican would never do anything to hurt this country. Of course, since they pretty much stated that the President is a Democrat, maybe his Administration is just trying to block out Republicans. Yeah, that's the ticket. Damn Democrats!

- What office does Tom Lennox hold? Anyone? Bueller?

- If Karen Hayes resigns, she's one of the biggest idiots in the world. The evidence against her sounds really circumstantial, and clearly she's needed right now. I'm sure she could at least afford to wait a couple of days - what's Tom going to be able to do to her right now? The President, if he has any sense, sure as hell isn't going to care about this today.

- Hey, she did resign! Well, she's probably qualified to be the National Security Advisor then. Clearly, she can't evaluate threats very well.

- They really do make up technology as they go along. So, you can call someone's special cell phone and press "* *" after you dial, and it'll upload the contents of the SIMM card to that person's special phone. The terrorists, however, were somehow able to encode the contents of their SIMM card, but NOT disable the special uploading feature. This makes no sense - you'd encode the contents of the card if you're worried about someone getting a hold of the data without the ability to use the phone itself, which is pretty unlikely, albeit, the situation we happen to find ourselves in at this very moment.

- Why in the hell did they let Sandra Palmer monitor the whole Walid situation? Why did they let her run into the detention center after the gate was opened? I know she's the President's sister and all, but maybe that means they should be a little more careful with her.

- Yeah, yeah, it would have been cooler if Donald Sutherland was Jack's dad, but James Cromwell isn't bad. And, if you follow that logic, then Charlie Sheen would have had to be the President's son on The West Wing. And we wouldn't want that.

- Hey, it took a whole 45 minutes for Jack trusting Graem to backfire. Remember, Daddy Bauer, it's all your fault for naming your son "Graem".